Kamis, 24 Desember 2009


BICYCLE ACCIDENTS Riding a bike could have had an accident, not just riding a motorcycle alone. Karna bicycle accident caused by drivers not wearing full cycling gear. There is a bicycle gear Helm, Protective knee and elbow. Helm, while useful for us to drop our heads did not hit the streets or asphalt that can cause leaks or our heads hurt. Knee and elbow protectors useful to protect our knees and elbows while we fall, so that our knees and elbows do not hurt or bruise. All equipment that could not be ignored karna all that protects our body from injury while we fell off the bike. in Indonesia are still very rarely people use bicycles to travel, most of them using a car or motorbike. If the overseas people like to travel using a bicycle, free karna pollution and make our bodies healthy. In Indonesia people use bicycles for sport not only for travel as abroad. Therefore in Indonesia lot of air pollution karna people always use a car or motorbike. Besides making your body healthy, cycling also requires no fuel like a car or motorcycle. Even so, we must not underestimate all cycling equipment.

Selasa, 24 November 2009


Dufan is area games for all people in Jakarta or non Jakarta. Tickets dufan is very expensive but sometimes they have a discount the time vacation or on time happy new year. I very happy, every I go to dufan. Sometimes, I go there with my friends for vacation but I ever go there with my boyfriend. At the dufan more games is extrim but any too rilexs. Every games have a characteristic, but all games make all people happy. I plan to go 2nd Dec 2009 with my boyfriend cause have a discount 50%. Student of University Gunadarma useful vacation before UTS for go to dufan with their friend. Common people enthusiastic to wish go there every have discount. As for games not to children, cause danger. for people have a attach heart or epilepsy any forbidden to play games danger there. Dufan, is my favourite place cause I feel enjoy hour play games there. I ever go there with my family, but less enjoy cause I alone every want play games. My younger brothers not yet grown up for play game there and my parents scared for play with me. Over there more games that is, bianglala, tornado, roller coaster, niagara, ontang anting, and etc. as regards ghost house, mirror house, and water duck. Tornado is new game there, game very extrim for me. I easy fell sick, but I never fainting so I scared play tornado. Weather this month is rainy season, so I don’t know at last or no go to dufan with my boyfriend. I hope moment I go there with my boyfriend weather not rain or friendly with me. So, that’s my story about dufan my favourite place.

Rabu, 18 November 2009

lirik heal the world

little girl talking ((i think about the gererations and thay say thay want to make it a better place for our children & our children's children so that thay thay thay know it's a better world for them and i think thay can make it a better place)) There's A Place In Your Heart And I Know That It Is Love And This Place Could Be Much Brighter Than Tomorrow And If You Really TryYou'll Find There's No Need To CryIn This Place You'll Feel There's No Hurt Or Sorrow There Are Ways To Get There If You Care Enough For The Living Make A Little Space Make A Better Place... Heal The World Make It A Better Place For You And For Me And The Entire Human Race There Are People Dying If You Care Enough For The Living Make A Better Place For You And For Me If You Want To Know Why There's A Love That Cannot Lie Love Is Strong It Only Cares For Joyful Giving If We Try We Shall SeeIn This Bliss We Cannot Feel Fear Or Dread We Stop Existing AndStart Living Then It Feels That Always Love's Enough ForUs Growing So Make A Better World Make A Better World... Heal The World Make It A Better Place For You And For Me And The Entire Human Race There Are People Dying If You Care Enough For The Living Make A Better Place For You And For Me And The Dream We Were Conceived In Will Reveal A Joyful Face And The World We Once Believed In Will Shine Again In GraceThen Why Do We Keep Strangling LifeWound This Earth Crucify Its Soul Though It's Plain To See This World Is Heavenly Be God's Glow We Could Fly So High Let Our Spirits Never Die In My HeartI Feel You Are All My Brothers Create A World With No Fear Together We'll Cry Happy Tears See The Nations Turn Their Swords Into Plowshares We Could Really Get There If You Cared Enough For The Living Make A Little Space To Make A Better Place... Heal The World Make It A Better Place For You And For Me And The Entire Human Race There Are People Dying If You Care Enough For The Living Make A Better PlaceFor You And For Me Heal The World Make It A Better Place For You And For Me And The Entire Human Race There Are People Dying If You Care Enough For The LivingMake A Better PlaceFor You And For Me Heal The World Make It A Better Place For You And For Me And The Entire Human Race There Are People Dying If You Care Enough For The Living Make A Better Place For You And For Me There Are People Dying If You Care Enough For The Living Make A Better Place For You And For Me There Are People Dying If You Care Enough For The Living Make A Better PlaceFor You And For Me You And For Me You And For Me Make A Better Place You And For Me Make A Better Place You And For Me Make A Better Place You And For Me heal the wordl we live in You And For Me save it for our children You And For Me heal the world we live inYou And For Me save it for our children You And For Me heal the world we live in You And For Me save it for our children You And For Me heal the world we live in You And For Me save it for our children

tugas akuntansi perbankan

Nama : Asri. Poerwanty Kelas : 3EB04 NPM : 20207175 ARTIKEL TENTANG AKUNTANSI PERBANKAN
Perbankan 2010 Diwajibkan Terapkan Standar Akuntansi Internasional Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Deputi Gubernur Bank Indonesia (BI) Siti Fadjrijah mengatakan, pihaknya akan mewajibkan penerapan Standar Akuntansi Internasional (IAS) 39 dan 32 bagi lembaga keuangan termasuk perbankan pada 2010 untuk menciptakan stabilitas sistem keuangan."Kalau IAS sudah selesai pada 2009, maka bank yang sudah siap dapat menerapkan secara bertahap. Tapi diwajibkannya pada 2010. Nanti kita lihat penyelesaian dari IAS dulu," kata Siti usai membuka sebuah seminar tentang sistem akutansi perbankan di Jakarta, Senin.Menurut Siti, pihaknya juga segera menyiapkan Pedoman Akuntansi Perbankan Indonesia (PAPI) setelah selesainya pengadopsian IAS oleh Ikatan Akuntansi Indonesia (IAI)."Kita akan kerjasama dengan IAI susun PAPI yang terkait dengan penilaian fair value. Begitu ini menjadi pedoman itu akan diterapkan oleh perbankan," katanya.Ia juga menjelaskan, pihaknya ingin memastikan standar akuntansi perbankan yang diterapkan perbankan akan dapat menjadi basis penghitungan keuangan yang efektif dan meningkatkan kedisiplinan pasar melalui laporan keuangan yang transparan.Dia juga mengingatkan sistem akuntansi yang dapat meningkatkan stabilitas finansial adalah standar akuntansi yang sesuai dengan praktek manajemen resiko yang aman, standar akuntansi yang bisa memberikan proyeksi resiko ke depan, dan standar akuntansi yang bisa meningkatkan kepercayaan pasar dan tata kelola korporasi.Sementara itu Ketua IAI, M Yusuf Wibisana mengatakan isu utama dalam penerapan IAS itu adalah penerapan fair value, yang berbeda dari nilai pasar (`market value`) karena komponen penghitungan yang berbeda. "Kalau diterapkan di Indonesia, harus berhati-hati," katanya.(*)
Sumber : www.antaranews.com


Nama : Asri. Poerwanty Kelas : 3EB04 NPM : 20207175
ARTIKEL TENTANG PERBANKAN INDONESIA == Pengaturan dan Pengawasan Bank == Dalam rangka tugas mengatur dan mengawasi perbankan, Bank Indonesia menetapkan peraturan, memberikan dan mencabut izin atas [[lembagakelembagaan]] atau kegiatan usaha tertentu dari bank, melaksanakan pengawasan atas bank, dan mengenakan sanksi terhadap [[bank]] sesuai dengan ketentuan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Dalam pelaksanaan tugas ini, Bank Indonesia berwenang menetapkan ketentuan-ketentuan perbankan dengan menjunjung tinggi prinsip kehati-hatian. Berkaitan dengan kewenangan di bidang perizinan, selain memberikan dan mencabut izin usaha bank, Bank Indonesia juga dapat memberikan izin pembukaan, penutupan dan pemindahan kantor bank, memberikan persetujuan atas kepemilikan dan kepengurusan bank, serta memberikan izin kepada bank untuk menjalankan kegiatan-kegiatan usaha tertentu. Di bidang [[pengawasan]], Bank Indonesia melakukan pengawasan langsung maupun tidak langsung. Pengawasan langsung dilakukan baik dalam bentuk pemeriksaan secara berkala maupun sewaktu-waktu bila diperlukan. Pengawasan tidak langsung dilakukan melalui penelitian, [[analisis]] dan evaluasi terhadap laporan yang disampaikan oleh bank. '''Upaya Restrukturisasi Perbankan''' Sebagai upaya membangun kembali kepercayaan [[masyarakat]] terhadap sistem keuangan dan [[ekonomiperekonomian]] Indonesia, Bank Indonesia telah menempuh langkah [[restrukturisasi]] [[perbankan]] yang komprehensif. Langkah ini mutlak diperlukan guna memfungsikan kembali perbankan sebagai lembaga perantara yang akan mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi, disamping sekaligus meningkatkan efektivitas pelaksanaan kebijakan moneter. Restrukturisasi perbankan tersebut dilakukan melalui upaya memulihkan kepercayaan masyarakat, program [[rekapitalisasi]], program restrukturisasi [[kredit]], penyempurnaan ketentuan perbankan, dan peningkatan fungsi pengawasan bank.
Sumber : www.wikipedia.org

Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009

tugas bahasa inggris bisnis (reply order letter)

PT. Jaya Abadi Electronics Jln. Raya Merdeka No. 25 Semarang 12345 Your ref : MP / DC / 22 Our ref : AM / L / 2A 30th October , 2009 Mrs. Asri Poerwanty Purchase Manager PT. DHIAZ FOREVER Jl. Kota Kembang No. 25 Tangerang 15418 Dear Mrs. Asri, Subject : Purchase Order No. 250 We are pleased to acknowledge your order of 16th October for : 50 Washing Machines Sharf A 1135 50 Washing Machines Denpoo B 250 50 Washing Machines Electrolux Z 125 100 Vacum Cleaner Sharp T 225 50 Vacum Cleaner Sanyo V 1654 We enclose our pro-forma invoice as requested in your letter. The goods will be dispatched by train on receipt of your banker’s transfer. Sincerelly Yours, Mr. Green White Manager

Kamis, 22 Oktober 2009


Every one can see there's change in me they all say i,m not the same kid i use to be dont go out and play i just dream all day they dont know whats wrong with me and i'm too shy to say * Its my First love what I'm dreamin of when I go to bed when i lay my head upun my pillow don't know what to do my first love thinks i'm to young he doesnt even knows wish that i could show him what i'm feelin 'cause i'm feelin' my first love mirror on the wall does he care at all will he ever notice me could ever fall tell me teddy bear why love is so unfair will i ever find a way an answer to my prayer Back to /*

tugas bahasa inggris bisnis

PT. DHIAZ FOREVER Jl. Kota Kembang No. 25 Tangerang 15418 Your ref : MP / DC / 22 Our ref : AM / L / 2A 16th October, 2009 Mr. Green White Manager PT. Jaya Abadi Electronics Jln. Raya Merdeka No. 25 Semarang 12345 Dear Mr. Green : Subject : Purchase Order No. 250 Thank you for your letter of 12nd October, enclosing your catalogue, price list, terms of payment and terms of delivery. We shall pay for the goods by banker’s transfer on receipt of your pro-forma invoice and request delivery within two weeks (don’t forget to tell the transport method). Send to our ware house address . Sincerely Yours, Asri Poerwanty Purchase Manager PT. DHIAZ FOREVER Jl. Kota Kembang No. 25 Tangerang 15418

Purchase Order No. 250 To : PT. Jaya Abadi Electronics Jln. Raya Merdeka No. 25 Semarang 12345 Date : 16 th October, 2009 QTY Please Supply: Item Catalogue No : Price / Unit Total 50 Washing Machines Sharf A 1135 250.000 12.500.000 50 Washing Machines Denpoo B 250 500.000 25.000.000 50 Washing Machines Electrolux Z 125 700.000 35.000.000 100 Vacum Cleaner Sharp T 225 850.000 85.000.000 50 Vacum Cleaner Sanyo V 1654 400.000 20.000.000 Total 177.500.000 Delivery date Terms For. PT. Dhiaz Forever Required Office Equipment 30 October 2009 2 Weeks From Receipt Asri Poerwanty

Senin, 12 Oktober 2009


saat kau pergi dan tinggalkan aku disini sendiri tanpa suatu kepastian yg kutunggu janji2 darimu masih slalu kunanti namun apa kamu pernah sedetikpun memikirkan aku,,, memikirkan keadaan ku disini hatiku hampa tanpa kamu disini knapa aku susah bgd untuk ngelupain kamu... aku ga pernah tau gimana keadaan kamu... sampai saaat ini pun aku ga tau dimana keberadaan kamu....

Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2009

blackforest kukus pondan bahan : - 6 butir telur - 150 gr margarin1 - kotak tepung pondan Blackforest kukus - butter cream 1/4 kg - selai blue bery 1 ons - coklat batangan untuk hiasan cara membuat : panaskan kukusan (jangan lupa tutupnya dikasih serbet biar airnya gak jatuh ke kuenya) kocok telur dengan kecepatan tinggi sampai mengembang lalu masukkan tepung kue pondan blackforest kukus, kocok lagi dengan kecepatan tinggi sampai adonan mengental, sesat sebelum pengocokan selesai masukkan coklat pasta. masukkan margarin lalu aduk rata dengan spatula,tuang ke dalam loyang yang sudah di dioles margarin, kukus sampai matang. dinginkan kue, belah jadi 2 bagian, olesi salah satu bagian dengan selai bluebery susun dengan bagian yang lain. hiasi dengan butter cream dan coklat batangan. blackforest kukus siap untuk dinikmati :)