Kamis, 24 Desember 2009


BICYCLE ACCIDENTS Riding a bike could have had an accident, not just riding a motorcycle alone. Karna bicycle accident caused by drivers not wearing full cycling gear. There is a bicycle gear Helm, Protective knee and elbow. Helm, while useful for us to drop our heads did not hit the streets or asphalt that can cause leaks or our heads hurt. Knee and elbow protectors useful to protect our knees and elbows while we fall, so that our knees and elbows do not hurt or bruise. All equipment that could not be ignored karna all that protects our body from injury while we fell off the bike. in Indonesia are still very rarely people use bicycles to travel, most of them using a car or motorbike. If the overseas people like to travel using a bicycle, free karna pollution and make our bodies healthy. In Indonesia people use bicycles for sport not only for travel as abroad. Therefore in Indonesia lot of air pollution karna people always use a car or motorbike. Besides making your body healthy, cycling also requires no fuel like a car or motorcycle. Even so, we must not underestimate all cycling equipment.